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As yesterday was American Thanksgiving, I am sure there are many of you who may have overindulged a tiny bit. The following workout requires no equipment. Complete each exercise for the set number of reps before moving onto the next. Rest when needed but try to complete the workout in as short amount of time as you can. Remember to maintain good form on all exercises:

300 Post-Thanksgiving Bodyweight Workout:

  • Step forward lunge / cross touch down – 50 reps alternating
  • Spiderman push ups – 50 reps
  • Squat / side bend leg lift – 50 reps alternating
  • Dive bombers – 50 reps
  • Mountain climbers x10 / Kick ups x10 – 5 reps
  • Partial Turkish Get-Ups – 50 reps alternating

Description of exercises:

Step forward lunge / cross touch down

  1. Step forward into a lunge with arms out to your sides (Pic A)
  2. Bring your opposite arm to front foot down as you reach your other arm up (Pic B)
  3. Return back to a lunge (Pic A)
  4. Step back to a standing position with feet together
  5. Repeat the exercise on the other side
  6. Continue alternating for the set number of reps

Spiderman push ups

  1. Start in a push up plank position (Pic A)
  2. Bend your elbows and lower your body down as you bring one knee up to the side (Pic B)
  3. Return to your starting position (Pic A)
  4. Repeat the exercise bringing your other knee up to the side
  5. Continue alternating knees for the set number of reps

Squat / side bend leg lift

  1. Squat down touching your finger tips to the ground (Pic A)
  2. Transfer your weight onto one leg as you circle your arms to that side then up and over as you lift your other leg up to the side (Pic B)
  3. Repeat the exercise on the other side
  4. Continue alternating for the set number of reps

Dive bombers

  1. Start on your hands and feet with your butt in the air (Pic A)
  2. Bend and flare your elbows out and lower your nose toward the floor between your hands
  3. Slide your body forward as if you were trying to go under a bar without letting your body touch the floor then drive your head up straightening your arms and leaving your hips down (Pic B)
  4. From this position, reverse the exercise to return back to your starting position (Pic A)
  5. Repeat the exercise for the set number of reps

Mountain climbers x10 / Kick ups x10

  1. To do mountain climbers: Start in a plank and bring one knee up between your arms (Pic A)
  2. Jump and switch knees keeping your hips low. Alternate knees 10 times.
  3. To do kick ups: After completing the mountain climbers, turn yourself over so you are belly up on your hands and feet. Kick one leg up in front (Pic B). Jump and switch legs. Continue to alternate for 10 reps
  4. Continue alternating between mountain climbers and kick ups until you have completed 5 sets.

Partial Turkish Get-Ups

  1. Start by lying on your back (Pic A)
  2. Sit up placing one hand on the floor behind you as you bend your opposite knee and place your foot on the floor (Pic B)
  3. Drive off of your hand and foot lifting your hips off the floor as you reach your free hand up to the sky (Pic C)
  4. Return to your starting position (Pic A)
  5. Repeat the exercise on the other side.
  6. Continue to alternate until you have completed the set number of reps.

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