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One of the great things about Grenada is that, unlike many other islands, there are numerous good anchorages to choose from. When you hang around a place long enough, as we have here, you learn the plusses and minuses of the various spots. While all of the bays are popular here, we have noted that each of them tend to be favored by different people.

We spent almost our entire first season in Grenada anchored in Hog Island, a great spot. While there, we noted that many of the boats with wind generators preferred to stay in the adjacent Clark’s Court Bay anchorage as the wind there is pretty constant. Last night, we experienced that ourselves.

Even though the breeze was light when we went to bed, it picked up during the night. We could hear our wind generator doing its job. When we awoke this morning, we did so to fully charged batteries, a real treat. Hand in hand with the nice scenery, that’s a great reason to choose this particular spot!

This photo was taken at the St. George’s anchorage. The wind there is a lot more fickle.


  1. Free juice … bonus!

  2. Sounds like a double bonus.

  3. Prickly Bay has the best bus access by far, and Budget Marine. Also more of the cruising teen boats seemed to be in that anchorage, and the restaurants, laundry and garbage were convenient and not bad. It could get rolly there though, but we tried to anchor behind that little reef on the West side that cut a lot of the roll.

    We spent a lot of time on Clarke’s Court also. If you join PCYC you can use the boats, which were a quick dinghy ride across the bay for our teens. Hog Island was a huge younger kid boat hang out, our youngest had some friends there; we never anchored there but went by dinghy many times. We watched the America’s Cup every night at Clarke’s Court which was a lot of fun too.

    The biggest attraction/deterrent for us for PB vs. the others was the bus, but if you didn’t mind the extra time it took to go up to the rum shop and catch the less frequent bus in the other side was workable too.

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