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Following our standard protocol of not doing too much work on Sunday’s, we spent most of the day yesterday reading, and hiding out from the numerous squalls. We did however assemble our new Mantus anchor.

We had been concerned that the big 85 pounder would not fit on the boat without some modification to the stanchion by the bow roller. After test fitting the anchor, I now think that we can get away without making any changes there. Of course, in order to really make the swap and figure it out for sure, we’ll need to raise anchor and get on a dock, tie up to a mooring or simply go out and drift around for a bit. We may or may not get to that today.

Do you think it’s big enough?
Contrary to what you may have been told, size does matter!

This could be your backyard too!


  1. That is one big ***** anchor! But, if not having to worry about dragging lets you sleep better at night, all the better.

  2. I a bunch of anchor testing, largely focused on 2-anchor rigs, that should be out in Practical Sailor over the next few months. The Mantus design was impressive in sand and mud, always re-setting, and turning easily with direction changes. I also played with Rocna and Manson Supreme, but the Mantus would be my first choice.

    That said, I found a lot to like about Fortess in soft bottoms, and the Claw/Bruce was quite likable in rocks.

    When it came down to it, in really tough conditions, 2-anchor systems greatly out performed single … if you used the right system and did it correctly. Used incorrectly, they were just as often worse. So don’t do it incorrectly.

    It was a lot of fun and a lot of work.

  3. That Mantus is a well designed and functioning anchor, I’m sure you’ll be happy with it. Any plans for a second one?
    Rebecca looks terrific with the anchor, you should send a copy of it to Mantus and see if they’ll add it to their Gallery!

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