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Don’t rock the boat. That was the name of the special “boating safety” event that we happened to stumble across in our hometown on Saturday. I guess radio advertising does sometimes work! We showed up at Collin’s Bay Marina to find a large number of families taking free boat rides, talking to vendors and watching a demonstration on safety flares. We spent only a little bit of time there but picked up some good weather-related literature from an informative gentleman and walked the docks a bit. We found plenty of monohulls here at this large marina but we didn’t spy any Cats.

Today was a much nicer day weather wise so we decided to spend it at the waterfront. I brought along my camera and zoom lens with the hopes of catching some pics of sailboats out on the water. Yes, we are now boat “voyeurs.” It was a beautiful day but we were surprised to find only a handful of boats on the water.

When we were fully cooked by the sun we decided to move on, taking a drive around the town. We caught a glimpse of another marina which, because it is not on a main road we had yet to really see it up close. With Plan B still in the back of our minds we are interested in finding out about all of the possibilities for local boat docking and storage, so off we went to explore. It was here that we graduated from boat voyeurs to full-fledged boat “stalkers!” Kingston Marina is the name of the facility that we saw and our drive-by netted us another prize, a Lagoon 410 Catamaran. We knew this boat was for sale someplace in Kingston but had yet to see it (I think we know about EVERY catamaran for sale in North America, or at least the ones on the internet). Although this boat is WAY out of our price range (was the capitalization of the word WAY strong enough?) we did want to see it up close, for “research“. 🙂 So, we parked the car and made our way around back of the marina until we were right by the boat. It was still “on the hard” but did have her mast up. As expected this boat is huge. It is much larger than the PDQ 32 which we were aboard a few weeks ago, and for our purposes, quite likely too big.
