Top Menu

When we first started exploring the charter business, numerous people expressed their opinions about how important the food element would be in terms of the overall success of the operation. It’s easy to assume that cooking the meals is the only important factor here but the truth is, doing a good (great!) job in this area is a much broader topic.

Our next set of guests arrive on the 5th. Since we received their food preferences by email the other day, Rebecca has been working almost non-stop preparing a custom menu for them, and organizing the provisioning list to go along with it. This is something that is done for every all-inclusive charter that we do.

We obtain fresh produce, meat, seafood and staples from a variety of sources. As you might imagine, all this takes a significant amount of time and effort so when it comes to shopping, we are happy to have our friend Debi from TropiGal Provisioning lend us a hand. Of course, once all that food, and let’s not forget the beverages, are brought on board One Love, it needs to be stored in a way that is convenient, and will preserve its freshness. This takes some serious planning too!

Working from her pre-planned menu, but still always ready to adapt as the charter progresses, Rebecca begins each day early (before 6:00 AM) preparing not only breakfast for the guests but also items that will be served later on in the day. We supply breakfast, lunch, mid-afternoon snacks, dinner and desserts, and of course any cocktails that our guests desire. And what goes along with all this cooking and drinking? Dishes. Boy, how I hate doing the dishes!

Of course, when we see the satisfied looks on our guests’ faces after each meal, and read the positive comments that they share in their post-charter surveys, it makes all of the behind-the-scenes work worthwhile. Except the dishes. Those, I wish would just magically clean themselves!

Dinner on One Love last evening:
grilled pork souvlaki, Greek salad with homemade dressing and quinoa.


  1. I have followed you since the beginning and have so enjoyed watching you evolve into the competent sailors you have become. I would love to have some samples of your menus and recipes. You might consider ( in your spare time tee hee) putting them in some format that could be easily downloaded. I would be more than happy to pay for them. Why reinvent the wheel? I would appreciate tips etc for cooking elegantly on board. Continued good luck on your charter business!



  2. You have every right to be proud of the service that you folks provide to your charter guests. It is way apparent that the both of you sincerely strive to provide the very best for your guests. Again, great blog.

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