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Although it’s a bit early for our dinghy engine’s 1-year servicing, because we’re trying to get everything sorted out to begin moving north again next week, we decided to look after that task yesterday. Servicing it was simple and required only replacing the spark plugs, changing the lower unit oil and greasing the engine at various spots. All were accomplished relatively painlessly (only a bit of blood was lost when I stabbed myself in the hand with a screwdriver). I am happy to say that the inside of the engine still looks pristine, having not yet been adversely affected by the salt water.

Note the safety tether, attaching the engine to the rail. Just in case!

Nice and clean!

Checking the gap in the new spark plugs.

To complete the above servicing, specifically to change the lower unit oil, we needed to remove the engine from the dinghy and get it out of the water. The video below shows how we use ZTC’s main sheet to raise Yama-Sama onto the rail mount, and lower him back down to the dinghy, in a relatively easy fashion.


  1. A light spray of WD-40 or CRC on moving parts that cannot be greased is not a bad idea either. I thought there was some other stuff that was a little stickier, but can remember the name..

  2. I want a halyard like that.

    We don’t pull Sunset Chaser‘s 30 hp motor all that often, but when we do, it’s a back-wrenching two person procedure.

    We pull the aluminum skiff’s 9.9 hp several times a month, and while that bugger’s light enough for one person to carry, it’s more than a bit awkward to hold the boat’s bow out at just the right angle while you try to pass the motor across to someone on the dock…. a lifting harness like yours would make the task so much easier.

    • Passing the engine back and forth between two people is VERY sketchy. Lots of room for crying. We tried that a couple of times and always had a safety line attached to it.

  3. Why do you not carry the dinghy and engine on your davit system? I might have missed a post……..

    • Although we might keep it on if only going bay to bay, we take it off for anything more than that because:

      a) i believe it is very heavy on the davits.
      b) More importantly, with the added weight of the outboard on the dinghy, we can’t get it high enough out of the water. With any seas at all, the waves will hit the engine’s lower unit.

      It is a PITA but for safety, I think it’s worth it.

  4. How do you deal with the weather down there? Must be tough! Looks like it would be really hard to get used to! I vote for more videos on your blog!

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