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As I suspected would be required, after that unfortunate bit of water intrusion, our Yamaha Enduro engine was due for a carb cleaning. The only time that I’ve attempted such a task was with our Tohatsu engine and to be honest, at that time I didn’t really tear the carburetor down to the smallest pieces, which is what is actually required to do a proper job. This time I was determined to do it thoroughly though.

In reviewing some older posts on our blog, I came across a reference to that initial carb-cleaning job in my post about acquiring confidence (If you haven’t read that post, check it out. It’s pretty good if I do say so myself 🙂 ). I find that a bit of a coincidence because now, after having repaired the engine (we hope), we are in the process of once again developing our confidence in its reliability. Before this issue, the 9.9 performed flawlessly and we would think nothing of using it to travel a mile or two away from our boat. Having it not function, even one or two times, was enough to almost completely shatter that confidence in its reliability. I am happy to report though, that after a bit of carb TLC, all appears to now be well with Yama-Sama. He once again starts on the first pull and will not stall at idle. Hopefully our confidence in him will soon be restored back to its original level.


  1. Jonathan Caldwell

    Did you detect the cause of the problem, or was it the usual “laying on of hands”: taking it apart, putting it back together and presto!
    Were you carrying a spare gasket set or are those rubber gaskets are meant to be taken apart several times?

    • I suspect there was just some microscopic piece of dirt in the carb, inhibiting the flow of fuel at low rpms.

      We have a carb repair kit for our 4-stroke yamahas although I have yet to need it. I’m doubt they’re exactly the same. In this case, I put it back together with the same gaskets.

  2. Often enough, you’ll find that all you need is a few sprays with some carb cleaner to remove the varnish that accumulates on the jets and in some of the ports/orifices. Also in my experience with carbs, it’s always good to make sure the brass jets are screwed in tight (but not too tight!) It’s amazing how a semi-loose main jet kills performance! Don’t ask me how I know 😉 it’s always good to make sure the bracket holding the float hasn’t been bent or damaged, changing the level in the float. You may know all this already but that’s my $0.02!

  3. We’re getting closer!!!!!!!!!

  4. I thought Yamaha’s were made in America? Japan?

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