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After a 30-hour passage from Orient Beach, St. Martin, we dropped our anchor in Anse du Bourg, Guadeloupe. But unlike the Star Trek characters when they faced The Borg (Bourg?), we were able to resist.

Yes, not only did we take advantage of the calm weather and bypass Antigua altogether, we also opted not to clear in to Guadeloupe, remaining on board for a mid-day departure today for Martinique, another overnight passage. Yes, we know it’s bad luck to depart on a Friday, but would it be luckier to hang around and wait for hurricane season?

Would you believe it went from this calm to 20+ knots on-the-nose chop in just a few minutes?

The increase in wind occurred just prior to rounding the south-eastern end of Guadeloupe.

Rebecca, scoping out the anchorage.

Now this is a very pretty anchorage! We’ll have to come back another day to explore what’s on shore.

Anchorage: Anse du Bourg, Guadeloupe
Internet on boat with Alfa: Not free. $10.00 US. Fast and consistent.
Internet on boat without Alfa: The same signal mentioned above showed up without the Alfa.
Internet on shore: NA


  1. Pete & Suzanne Evans

    How neat! Have a great Memorial Day weekend. As always, photos are wonderful.


    • Memorial Day? Oh yeah. Days of the week are lost on us most times, let alone holidays. YOU have a great memorial day!

  2. Mid-Life Cruising!

    Best wishes on your next passage to Martinique. The Guadeloupe anchorage is beautiful!

  3. Richard Hutchings

    You know we lived down there for almost 3 years and only saw the ocean like that twice ! And that was after hurricanes… Lucky bugger! ummmm me thinks you had headed in the right direction ol buddy.

  4. Keep going! Looks like really nice passage weather. Still colder than average up here in the frozen north (Minnesota). Although things are looking up, had our first sail of the season yesterday with beautiful winds at about 12 – 14 knots. Latest first sail of the season ever! I have to look at your pictures just to warm up.

    Safe travels!

    • Rebecca just chatted with some friends back home and they have been out a few times already. Last year we launched, and lived aboard April 5th!

  5. Richard Hutchings

    SHOOT !!!!
    Forgot to mention…there is a great bakery at the end of the town dock and to the right a few stores. OH MY….what great stuff they have there. Thunk I should mention. lol

    • hehe… our other friend just told us about that place too. Sadly I’m too lazy to put the dinghy down and got get something. Perhaps they’ll deliver? 😉

  6. “Mama’s” in Granada used to be the place that you just HAD to eat if you were there. When I was there in “90” Mama had died and her daughter took over. Our crew came late to dinner, and had to pay her and the cooks off to get served dinner that late. Multiple plates of…let me see if I can remember…monkey, rattle snake, turtle, shark, zebra, barracuda, lion, armadillo, and all the most bizarre meats that were available in the world in those days were served along with some rice and more normal foods till the cooks ran out of food.

    We ate, actually gorged ourselves with their blessings and drank and had some kind of white lightning type substance from behind the bar that tasted a little like battery acid after the cooks finished cooking for us and joined us in the dinning room to dance (on the tables), and dance, drink, and drink the night away, Till the wee hours we were the guests of the house and when we finally left the restaurant at about sometime after midnight, every taxi driver on the island was waiting outside for the crazy Americans that had taken over Mama’s. Word traveled fast back then.

    Ahh, life in the Caribbean on a 72′ wooden yacht after finishing up a 10 day charter with the owner on board. Me like Granada.

  7. Found this on a forum. Don’t know how old it is. But I remember Cleopatra humping my backside upside a table!……..

    (Mama died several years ago and her daughter, Cleopatra tried to keep it going but it wasn’t to be. Anyhow, it just wasn’t the same restaurant and food, so it closed.

    A new place has opened up called Patrick’s and he does almost the same thing in almost the same location. You get 20 different local dishes for $50.00 EC or $20.00 US. The reports we get here are the food is delicious, but the seating is a little cramped for space. Reservations are needed, as every meal is cooked from scratch.)

  8. Ok. I’ve been quietly reading your blog (loving it!) but super late to the game (it’s 1/2 through 2017 and I’m commenting on a 2011 post) BUT – I couldn’t hold my silence any longer. You combined Star Trek and and awesome blog! You guys are amazing. I love your blog and your style. Rebecca’s dedication to fitness is so inspiring, and your writing style is so approachable. THANK YOU!

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