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I’m not so sure how many people would have jumped at the opportunity to take an hour long bus ride into the capital city of an island they only recently arrived in, to enjoy a big party with a bunch of people they met only hours earlier, but we did. And we had an awesome time because of it.

Not only was yesterday Cinco de Mayo, and the full moon (the largest of the year!), both of which are perfect excuses for a celebration, it was also the launch day of St. Vincent’s Carnival. As luck would have it, we couldn’t have stumbled upon a better group of people to enjoy it with. Like must attract like!


  1. Such a great time with the locals! Tonight is bonfire by the beach, Gary and Roy will bring the booze, “Sunset” Killer Rum! Thanks for posting

  2. It sounds like the sort of fun, and party, that it is easy to get to. But finding a lift/bus home is more problematic.



    • Definitely. We were all over that. The guys we went with were awesome though. They stuck by us and made sure that everything was cool.

  3. So, you will be staying on the Island until the full festival kicks off June 29 to July 10????


  4. A 2007 UCLA Newsroom article notes that “The holiday, which has been celebrated in California continuously since 1863, is virtually ignored in Mexico.”[40]

    Apparently Cinco de Mayo is an invention of bar and party animals. I spent last night in a hotel (La Posada) on the Laredo town square, and it was pin-drop quiet last night. A few quiet speaches during the day, attended by a few quiet locals. Not at all what the beer companys ads would suggest.

  5. Do you guys ever just stop, slow down, sit in your cockpit at night while the sun is setting and appreciate the lifestyle you guys have created? I will not speak on behalf of all land lubbers, cruisers, dreamers, etc., but man are we jealous and you and Rebs certainly motivate us to dream about cruising full time one day….

    • Yes, we frequently do. I may not post about it, as it doesn’t make for an exciting story, but we do often just chill out and soak in the beautiful nature around us.

  6. I see you had an interesting sail about today, monday 7th. 🙂


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