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There have been a couple of articles published recently about what it costs to go cruising. Here is one such piece written by well-respected cruiser and author, Jimmy Cornell. While he includes some numbers in the article, we have always maintained that quoting a specific amount is impractical and I basically posted as much here. Although, before we left, I had no idea what it was going to cost to cruise, I did know one thing for certain: we did not have enough money to cruise indefinitely. I mean, seriously, unless you either own an oil well or you’re planning on kicking off in a couple of years, who does?

So, what were we planning on doing about money then? Well, we weren’t. Planning that is. We had no plan but did know that somehow, something would happen that would allow us to make out OK. What specifically, that didn’t matter. We just had faith that we could make something happen.

Now that word faith can sometimes be misconstrued. When I use the word, I’m not talking about idly sitting on our hands and wishing for some pot of gold to drop out of the air. On the contrary, we took actual concrete steps to lay a foundation for future earnings that would allow us to maintain our water-based lifestyle. For example, we work hard on this blog and include advertisements and affiliate links which do help to keep us going. Yes, in case it wasn’t obvious, every time you click one of those Google ads or purchase an item from an Amazon link on our site, it helps us, a little. We knew that while each of those tiny bits of web-based income would add up, they weren’t likely going to keep food on our table and gas in our fuel tanks. No, we’d have to do something bigger.

This is where the idea of acquiring my Captain’s license came in. No, I did not have any specific job in mind when I took the training, nor did I when I travelled to Trinidad to complete the STCW course either. No, we had no real concrete plan when Rebecca did the same, or when we completed all of the other pieces that would allow us to work commercially in the marine trade. Those steps did lay a foundation though that would us to follow through when an opportunity presented itself.

What opportunities? I’m going to make you wait just a bit before I spill all of the details. We’re off to go explore a volcano. If you must think about money before I post on this again, here is an article by Fatty Goodlander on how to Earn money while cruising. For those looking for a way to make the cruising thing work long term, that might help to get the creative juices flowing. Wouldn’t you rather imagine yourself doing some cool snorkeling like this though instead of worrying about finances?

Gary, a cruiser on the boat beside us, Pa La O La, let us know that while snorkeling he found a cannon right in front of our boat. When we jumped in the water to see it we found that there are actually two of them down there!

Where did they come from? I suspect from this wreck that we then located nearby. From Steve Pavlidis’ guide book: “The wreck is said to date to 1799 with visible cannons and other debris.”

A spare prop perhaps?

Rebecca has such a great eye for spotting fish.
This guy blended into his surroundings extremely well.

Good thing Rocky wasn’t buried any more or we might not have been able to spot him!


  1. A Tease=transitive verb arouse feeling without giving satisfaction: to arouse hope, curiosity, or especially physical desire in somebody with no intention of giving satisfaction…….Not sure your license allows you to bartend….lol

  2. Those cannons are usually covered up, so few people have seen them. I saw three when I was looking for something we lost from our boat, but then never saw them again the rest of the year we were anchored in White House. Great photos!

  3. 1799? That would be quite something. Propellers of that style (not to mention the apparently iron construction of the skeg it’s attached to) only became common between 1840 and 1860.
    The cannon appears to be of a type that was common from the late 16th to mid 19th centuries and would have been obsolete by 1860.

    I am very curious to hear the rest of your new business idea 🙂 Finding a way to pay for it is the single scariest thing, IMHO, about cruising.

  4. WOW! I didn’t know they even HAD props like that in 1799!

  5. I’m thinking that you got the gig with the Jobs’ family UBER Yacht!

  6. That’s awesome, can’t wait to hear all about your new (ad)ventures !! As long as you’re not working when we finally end up where you’re at, in the hopes of sharing a sundowner or two ??

  7. Mid-Life Cruising!

    Congrats on your certificate! I like that you mentioned how “faith” can be misconstrued. I know too many people that do nothing, but figure if they “wish it” long enough … We know that ain’t gonna cut it!

    Ken and I don’t have it all figured out just yet either, but for now we’re still working on getting out there! Still enjoying your site!

  8. Congratulations on whatever new venture you are finding! I’m glad to read this article about leaping off into the void with faith in your own resourcefulness. Mike and I are currently working on laying that kind of groundwork for the future, and captain’s licenses are part of the plan, as is continuing to write. I just got my first writing ‘gig’ after blogging for a little over a year. So I’m feeling confidant that the groundwork we are laying now will pay off later. I don’t often comment, but I do follow your blog and enjoy reading about your adventures. Love the underwater shots! You guys are having so much fun! It’s glorious.

    • Hi Melissa

      Thanks for the comment. People need to realize that they don’t have to have it ALL figured out before they set sail.

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