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For the first time since we have picked her up, Rebecca and I will be leaving One Love on her own. This weekend the Grenada Hash House Harriers have their annual Carriacou Hash scheduled, an event that we have sailed up to participate in the past two years. We had hoped to do the same on One Love this year as it would have been both fun and a good test sail. As there is still a bit of work to be done on our davit project though, we didn’t think that it would be prudent to leave the dock with it incomplete. Fortunately for us, our friends on Banyan stepped up and offered for us to sail up with them on their boat. Now, Banyan is one of those uni-marans so perhaps I should be taking my seasickness medicine? I’ll let you know how it turns out. It should be fun.

While we’re on the water, here is the next series of construction pics for you to mull over. The first one garnered quite a number of comments on our Facebook page. 🙂


  1. I like how their blending to the nonskid. Have a great weekend leaning and running around. We’ll be up to our eyeballs with a storage unit and getting peeks at our new digs.

  2. All this work has got to be costing a fortune. I realize that is nobody’s business, but for those of us planning to purchase a cat and will need to do a lot of the same work, some idea of expense we have to look forward to would be soo appreciated, if that is at all possible and not too rude.
    Although I know it is rude to ask.

    • It’s not rude but it’s also not my place to say. Michael reads our blog so if he’d like for me to elaborate, he’ll no doubt send me a message.

  3. She’ll be fine! Enjoy yourselves on Banyan and say hi to Dave and Alex.

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