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The “Pretty Mas” parade in Grenada is truly a sight to see. Knowing that many of you will never get the chance to view it in person, here is a sampling of what we got to experience yesterday. Enjoy!


  1. WOW! Thanks for the pictures, they’re great. It eases my heart to know ill be setting sail south next year…… And be able to witness these delights in person!

  2. Beautiful photo’s! Beautiful people! I am going to make this celebration one day. Thanks for sharing.

  3. AWESOME thanks for sharing.

  4. Those are some pretty creative costumes!

  5. Great photos! Thanks for sharing. We’ve been cruising the East coast of the U.S., Chesapeake Bay, Florida and the Bahamas. 2016 will see us in the Carribbean. Can’t wait to explore Grenada!

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