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Inspired by dreams of Patagonian passages, last November I wrote about the Juan Fernandez Islands off the coast of Chile, and specifically about Robinson Crusoe Island, the largest of the chain. Yesterday, as I waded my way through some of the nonsense on Facebook, I came across a story from National Geographic that went into detail on the origin of the book Robinson Crusoe, the inspiration for the 1960s name change of that island (the original name was Màs a Tierra). I found the info in that piece quite interesting, and perhaps you may too.

Later today, Rebecca and I will be off to the airport to meet up with my eldest sister, Diane. Outside of our daughter, Cassandra, and our two grandkids, my sister will be the first relative to come visit us since we sailed south. Without passing any judgement, we find it interesting that some cruisers have family members sailing with them almost all the time, whereas others, like us, hardly ever have relatives join them. Different strokes, I guess. Anyway, we’re looking forward to catching up with my sister, and showing her some of the highlights of Grenada, the island that we’ve come to love so much.


  1. Your looking more like a shopping blog these days! I guess we all have to eat!

  2. I’ve told my family that they can kick in a sizable chunk of coin and I will purchase a nice big catamaran that they can come visit me on any time they would like AND have their own cabin. None of them contributed so, if they visit, they will get to stay in the cockpit of (what will eventually be) my little 30′ mono. 🙂 Maybe THEN they will want to invest!!!

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