There are some who, when planning a bicycle trip of the Americas, strive to follow the most direct route possible. There are others though who, perhaps less constrained by time limitations, follow a more circuitous route, endeavoring to take in as many hot spots as possible along the way. While still definitely drawn towards our objective, I believe that we more closely fall into the latter category, and our recent side trip to Ometepe Island is a perfect example of…
While unquestionably a beautiful city, our stay in Granada ended up being a bit longer than we had hoped. The tire delivery that we had organized from Costa Rica took an additional two days simply due to the lazy and incompetent driver who held on to our package instead of bringing it to us as he was paid to. He even lied to the bike shop that shipped the tires, saying that he dropped off the package on Monday when…
When I last updated the blog a week ago, we had just arrived in Somotillo, 6 km from the Honduras/Nicaragua border. After one false start where the hotel we found tried to charge us too much for a single cot, we found ourselves at a friendly posada just off the main drag. The room was tiny — I mean really tiny — but we still managed to jam our bikes into it with us. We also had the chance to…
I received an email yesterday from our cycling friend Carlos who, after reading our last blog entry, noted that we've been traveling fast. He doesn't know the half of it. In the past two days, we have cycled in 3 countries. We went from El Salvador to Honduras, and then in just over 24 hours, we crossed into Nicaragua, where we are now. We're not really trying to cover a lot of miles but that's definitely what we've accomplished since…