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It’s time to plug another Blog: Sailboat Family. Coincidentally, this is a family that is on a fairly similar path to ours, and on a very similar timeline. I check their blog periodically and have gotten some good ideas from it, including one of our favorite recipes! Thanks guys.

The author(s) of that Blog recently wrote about a big list of things that they were working their way through, leading up to their departure. We, too, have a bunch of lists (as I think every cruiser does). With only 8.5 months until we leave Kingston I think we need to get cracking on them! I am going to spend some time today merging these lists and see what I come up with.

This list will be MUCH, MUCH longer before I am through today!

One of the things on our (my!) list is, as I wrote about, to improve my swimming skills. I went to the pool yesterday to practice a bit over the lunch hour, and will be going back again tomorrow with Rebecca to do the same. Rebecca can swim like a fish so she can just play in the pool while I splash around like a wounded seal. I figure that three days of swimming practice per week for the next 8 months or so will have to pay dividends!

I wish I could swim like a seal!


  1. Hi Mike,

    No doubt that with your work ethic, you’ll be giving Phelps a run for his money in no time!

    Ever try using a Project Management tool like MicroSoft Project (just an example, I know you’re a Mac)? You can assign start/end dates and durations to your tasks, and link dependent tasks together in order to assess when things need to be done, and how your time line is impacted due to delays. There must be a free-bee Mac application out there that can do the same.


    • Thanks Kier! I have tried apps like that in the past and have found that I never fully used the scheduling/prioritizing features. I may check around for one and see though. It might help to get all of these scraps of paper off our table:)

  2. This post got lost due to my poor internet connection:

    Speaking of recipes, search around for this book”

    365 Snacks, Hors d’oeuvres & Appetizers by Lonnie Gandara & Peggy Fallon

    When you get to cruiser-friendly areas. lots of meals become “pot luck” or “heavy appetizers”. This book gives you a huge variety of stuff to try that WORKS just about every time. Some are unbelievably quick AND good, so they can double as something to make for snacking on during a passage.

    Fair Winds,

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