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Our suspension trainers get a lot of use on our boat. Although we are still using the aeroSling for the most part, we have not forgotten about our TRX. We like them both and recommend acquiring either one of these to use whether you’re on a boat or not. If you have never used one, I highly encourage you to try it whenever you get the chance. The following workout, which is a combination of suspension trainer and bodyweight exercises, was done using the aeroSling but could just as easily be done with a TRX. It is a challenging workout but I have included some easier versions that you will see in the video below:


  • Suspended side lunge / Side plank knee tuck x10 (right)
  • Back/Forward/Back lunge & knee x10 (right)
  • Suspended side lunge / Side plank knee tuck x10 (left)
  • Back/Forward/Back lunge & knee x10 (left)
  • *Suspended pike / Walk out push up & pike x10
  • 4 Mountain climbers / 4 Groiners / 4 Cross knees x10
  • Front squat x20
  • Plank oblique (right/left) & straight squat thrusts x10
  • Bow & arrow / High twist x20
  • 5 Elbow to knee / 2 V-sits x10

*Note: Since our anchor point is so far from the workout area on our boat, I chose to do this exercise using a round fender ball. Feel free to do the same (or use a physio ball) but the exercise is meant to be done on the suspension trainer.

Do each exercise one after the other. Complete 2 sets resting 30 seconds to 1 minute after the first set. If you still have more energy, complete more sets! Of course, to make it even more challenging, try doing it on the trampoline of a catamaran while bobbing around at anchor!

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